In Mint UI the data for a list is defined with the Ui.ListItem
Having a data structure to define list items allows us to display lists in different ways. For example we can display the same list in a Ui.Native.Select and a normal Ui.Select.
let items = [ Ui.ListItem.Item( content: <>"Something"</>, matchString: "something", key: "something"), Ui.ListItem.Item( content: <>"An other thing"</>, matchString: "an other thing", key: "an-other-thing") ]<> <Ui.Native.Select placeholder="Select something!" items={items}/> <Ui.Select placeholder="Select something!" matchWidth={true} items={items}/></>
[ Ui.ListItem.Item( content: <>"A list item!"</>, matchString: "a list item", key: "a-list-item"), Ui.ListItem.Divider, Ui.ListItem.Item( content: <>"An other list item!"</>, matchString: "an other list item", key: "an-other-list-item")]
Mint UI is a design system and component library for building websites, web and desktop applications.