A component to display an icon and name together as a brand.
You can play around with a Ui.Brand below using the controls.
<Ui.Brand size={Ui.Size.Px(16)} icon={Ui.Icons:MINT} name="Mint"/>
The name displayed can be set with the name property.
<> <Ui.Brand icon={Ui.Icons.FLAME} name="Mint"/> <Ui.Brand icon={Ui.Icons.BEAKER} name="Mint Labs"/> <Ui.Brand icon={Ui.Icons.CART} name="Mint Shop"/></>
The icon displayed can be set with the icon property.
The URL to link to can be set with the href property.
<> <Ui.Brand icon={Ui.Icons.FLAME} name="Mint" href="/"/> <Ui.Brand href="/examples/dashboard" icon={Ui.Icons.BEAKER} name="Mint Labs"/> <Ui.Brand href="/examples/checkout" icon={Ui.Icons.CART} name="Mint Shop"/></>
The size of the component can be set with the size property.
<> <Ui.Brand size={Ui.Size.Px(12)} icon={Ui.Icons.FLAME} name="Mint"/> <Ui.Brand size={Ui.Size.Px(16)} icon={Ui.Icons.FLAME} name="Mint"/> <Ui.Brand size={Ui.Size.Px(20)} icon={Ui.Icons.FLAME} name="Mint"/></>
Mint UI is a design system and component library for building websites, web and desktop applications.