A basic component for getting multiline user input in a text field. Keyboard and mouse can be used for providing or changing data.
<> <Ui.Textarea behavior="resize-horizontal" value="Resize Horizontal"/> <Ui.Textarea behavior="resize-vertical" value="Resize Vertical"/> <Ui.Textarea behavior="resize-both" value="Resize Both"/> <Ui.Textarea behavior="static" value="Static"/> <Ui.Textarea behavior="grow" value="Grow"/></>
<> <Ui.Textarea placeholder="200ms delay..." inputDelay={200} onChange={(value : String) { Ui.Notifications.notifyDefault(<>value</>) }} /> <Ui.Textarea placeholder="1000ms delay..." inputDelay={1000} onChange={(value : String) { Ui.Notifications.notifyDefault(<>value</>) }} /></>
Mint UI is a design system and component library for building websites, web and desktop applications.