A simple footer element which displays site information on the left and categorized navigation items on the right.
The navigation items adapt to the available screen size by arranging themselves into a grid.
Infos content
<Ui.Footer infos={<p>"Infos content"</p>} navitems=[ { "Site", [ Ui.NavItem.Link( iconBefore: Ui.Icons.HOME, iconAfter: <></>, label: "Home", target: "", href: "/"), Ui.NavItem.Link( iconBefore: Ui.Icons.PUZZLE, iconAfter: <></>, href: "/components", label: "Components", target: "") ] }, { "Social", [ Ui.NavItem.Link( iconBefore: @svg(../../assets/svgs/discord-icon.svg), iconAfter: <></>, href: "https://discord.gg/NXFUJs2", target: "_blank", label: "Discord"), Ui.NavItem.Link( iconBefore: @svg(../../assets/svgs/twitter-icon.svg), iconAfter: <></>, href: "https://twitter.com/mint_lang", target: "_blank", label: "Twitter") ] } ]/>
Mint UI is a design system and component library for building websites, web and desktop applications.