This is a component to render the Ui.Cell
It is used to render data in tables and definition lists.
<> <Ui.Cell cell={Ui.Cell.Code(code: "<div></div>", breakSpaces: false)}/> <Ui.Cell cell={Ui.Cell.Html(<>"Hello!"</>)}/> <Ui.Cell cell={Ui.Cell.String("Hello!")}/> <Ui.Cell cell={Ui.Cell.Number(0)}/> <Ui.Cell cell={ Ui.Cell.HtmlItems( breakOnMobile: true, items: [ <Ui.Icon icon={Ui.Icons.PENCIL}/>, <Ui.Icon icon={Ui.Icons.TRASHCAN}/>, <Ui.Icon icon={Ui.Icons.DESKTOP_DOWNLOAD}/> ]) } /></>
<> <Ui.Cell cell={Ui.Cell.String("String value!")} size={Ui.Size.Px(12)}/> <Ui.Cell cell={Ui.Cell.String("String value!")} size={Ui.Size.Px(16)}/> <Ui.Cell cell={Ui.Cell.String("String value!")} size={Ui.Size.Px(20)}/></>
Mint UI is a design system and component library for building websites, web and desktop applications.