A definition list is the mobile equivalent of a table.
<Ui.DefinitionList headers=["Cell 1 Label", "Cell 2 Label"] rows=[ { "Summary 1", [Ui.Cell.String("Row 1 Cell 1"), Ui.Cell.String("Row 1 Cell 2")] }, { "Summary 2", [Ui.Cell.String("Row 2 Cell 1"), Ui.Cell.String("Row 2 Cell 2")] }, { "Summary 3", [Ui.Cell.String("Row 3 Cell 1"), Ui.Cell.String("Row 3 Cell 2")] } ]/>
let rows = [ {"John Doe", [Ui.Cell.String("John"), Ui.Cell.String("Doe")]}, {"Jane Doe", [Ui.Cell.String("Jane"), Ui.Cell.String("Doe")]} ]<> <Ui.DefinitionList headers=["First Name", "Last Name"] size={Ui.Size.Px(12)} rows={rows} /> <Ui.DefinitionList headers=["First Name", "Last Name"] size={Ui.Size.Px(16)} rows={rows} /> <Ui.DefinitionList headers=["First Name", "Last Name"] size={Ui.Size.Px(20)} rows={rows} /></>
Mint UI is a design system and component library for building websites, web and desktop applications.